Monday, August 23, 2010


Good evening,

It's peculiar to everyone that a businessman's will can be so determined and unwavering. Humans in themselves are self-confusing, ironic creatures to begin with. So how do these people achieve such high level of discipline?

It's simply because they are devoted, no matter what is the reason that forces them to do so. Very often, people are being forced into the society's views, being compared to its norm. Be it your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, even strangers, they are judging you at every instant, your looks, behaviour, dress-code, family, and everything that belongs to you. This is something everyone is afraid of, yet, not everyone is doing something about it.

Businessmen are people with strong characteristics and will not take any humility lying down, this does not mean they are aggressive people physically, looking for quarrels. They have more action than words, they would work hard and achieve so that they wouldn't be looked down on. The more negatively things go for them, the more they strive. Successful people learns to view failure as an inevitable process while the weak dwells on failures, unable to move forward.

People should not blame or push faults to others when things go wrong, or blame fate. These successful people thank their society for teaching them what reality tastes like, and are glad that they had gone through tough times.

We should always be disciplined and not pamper ourselves too much, granting all the wishes we have. If someone has led his life smooth throughout without having to worry, when something drastic happens it's certain that he'll never stand again. However, if you have stood out to the top above all failures, you will never have trouble handling them, even if it means to climb from the bottom all over again.


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