Thursday, August 19, 2010


Good evening,

Every successful businessman is unique in their own way, perhaps only one common trait can be found in all of them - money minded(money minded is not about greedy, it is about having the right kind of mindset to make and attract money)

Only people with a wealthy mindset are capable of handling large amounts of money, knowing when it's time to spend and when to save. In fact, these people are the least conscious of exactly how much money they possess. Their main concern is, as long as they keep up the work, their profits are constant. If you ask wealthy business men exactly how much do they have, they probably wouldn't be able answer you, only an estimate at best. That is because their savings are constantly increasing, and there is no reason for them to keep tracking the money they already have, instead they would be tracking how much money they could earn from the latest business opportunities.

People want to be free from the control of money, and when you are finally rich, would having too much money be your new stress?

Being wealthy minded does not neccessary mean one is earning a high amount of income. It is about how one treats his own money. Someone who earns 5,000 a month can spend more than what he earns in credit, landing himself in debts, a person like this will never get wealthy. Whereas a person who earns 2500 can manage to save up to 1500 each month, a person like this is more likely to be successful in life. Agree that being thrifty is the beginning, because this money saved is the capital, the seeds that are needed to flourish.

Many of the world renown businessman started with these 1500/month capital earned by working multiple part-time jobs, some of these men did not even have proper education due to poverty. Thus, these men know how important money is and would never squander recklessly. Those who obtain a large amount of money with luck such as lottery, on the other hand, would never know how to control it. They would spend lavishly and always think about what to buy, before they realise that their money are all used up. Someone with a wealthy mind would spend the money with wit.

Money is something you can never get enough of, so unless your business is bringing you 'infinite' income, never be too conscious of how much you actually have, and concentrate on how to twig more into your pocket.

Being a successful businessman is never luck to begin with, it is all about brains and wit. A true millionaire lies in one's mind. It is not about age, gender, only pure character. If you do not believe this, can you believe a 300million sales revenue man at 72 was declared bankrupt and picked himself up to start all over again and became a millionaire again at the age of 82? This is an exact example of a wealthy minded man, no matter what the odds are, how many times they get bankrupt, they can simply bounce back, and that is because they never gives up.

This is the article on the courageous man :


1 comment:

Einnie said...

The article is amazing! Really love how you blog & explain about business. Keep it going. FIGHTING! ;)