Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Good evening once again.
Im Venjamin, on BUSINESS LETTERS tonight.

If you are in the business industry, it is known that being able to write a business letter with good writing skills can be considered as an obligation, but there are still ways to get around it like hiring a
ghostwriter. However, take cognizance that ghostwriters may charge up to a hundred dollars per word depending on the contents, so it's best to leave this issue to consider when your business is providing you enough profit to support such expenses..

Otherwise, we will have a look at business letters. I believe any educated person can develop excellent writing skills with some practice and research. In fact, as stated above, it is an obligation to be able to write well, but are writing skills really the quintessence of business letters?

Many guides online have shown very clearly what are the things you need to ask yourselves before you write a letter that includes: knowing your product, market, who are your targeted customers and good writing skills. These are essential, but i want to share the most crucial value that is, knowing how to write with savoir-faire( The ability to say and do the right thing at the right time to the right person : diplomacy, tact, tactfulness )

One good reason why this the most important in my opinion, is that, you could be able to write words with fervor and know your products inside-out, yet how well are you directing your letters to make sure that they are not knocking on the wrong door?

Let's assume that a regular customer is not replying to your emails.
Compare these two letters :

Letter1 : Attachment, Catalog of Product XX, Catalog of new product X.
Subject: Follow up of new orders from company XX

Dear Mr XXX,
How are you doing? I trust your kind company is doing well, i believe the goods you have ordered previously needs replenishment, if you could kindly advise your orders early we would be able to advance our procedures so that your stocks could be shipped on time for your convenience. On a side note, I have attached a catalog of your previous orders and a catalog of our company's latest product for your kind review.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Salesman XX

Letter2: Attachment: None
Subject : Greetings of company XX

Dear Mr XXX,
How have you been sir, it is to my concern that we have not heard of you for a long time. I hope the state of your health is as good as usual, if you have any problems or issues please, do not hesitate to notify us we will do the best we can to aid you .

Yours sincerely,
Salesman XX

In this case, the customer ignored letter1, and send his stock orders in response to letter2 salesman. How would you contrive your business letters? People are realistic and self-centered, to catch the heart of your customer is your first stepping stone. In which order would you prioritise between: customers's welfare OR this month's targeted sales. Remember letter1 and letter2 and you will be able to notice letter2 is centered around the customer's welfare. If you noticed, its natural for customers to detect the letter's 'intended' motive.

Considering that prices of any product now is so competitive unless your company is an apple, customers could easily switch suppliers, that is really what makes exceptional service and relationship important.

Now, would customers with price/quality issues about your goods bother to complain to you? Maybe once or twice, but if handled poorly, they could simply switch to a different source. While it is true that sending straightforward letters might save time, it would be conceived by the customer that, nothing other than sales order would be entertained. Would you like to be issued a receipt even before you have decided to buy something? Sadly, many sales letters that i have seen are repetitive, agressive letters centering only about their sales, obvious to the customer that their only concern are sales.

While having a good understanding of your product is important for using several kinds of professional tactics to advertise/promote your product to a customer, sometimes it just bogs down to the basics : human relationship. Albeit you know who are your targeted customers, each and every person are unique, understand their characters and deal with them with a creative, flexible way to achieve your motive. A good businessman have 101 creative ways to deal with every different customer. This way, even difficult customers will be happy customers under your service.

Remember, customers ARE your sales, not your products. Know your customers well before your products, im sure it will be a different experience.


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