Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Good evening,

Today, im going to share some of my ideas about marketing, providing life-examples along the way to substantiate my stand. What is the true definition of marketing? To me, everything is about marketing. If you are a businessmind, you would most likely want to have a profit in every single thing you do, profit in monetary wise, pleasure, happiness, or anything you can think of as a gain.

Let's brainstorm, what are the qualities needed in order to be successful in marketing?

First, let us understand, to survive in this market we need to know the economy.
The essence of economics lies in the fact that resources are scarce, or at least limited, the main shortage of resources that can be found in all of us are : Time, Money.

Let us take this scarcity and the four qualities into consideration in this example.

Consider a housewife, making a meal for the family is not easy. It takes hard work and requires diligence, to be able to cook the meals that keeps the family well fed.

Now, nobody likes to eat the same food everyday. Creativity comes in place, the housewife would head out to the market with the dish in mind. There she realize some ingredients are not available, and have no time to buy them in another market.

Without perseverence, she would have given up. Being creative and flexible, she would have thought of many other dishes, and finding substitute ingredients to cook with.

How would you imagine that if any one of these quality is missing? Quite a disaster, indeed.

Analyse this case: If a small construction company was offered big projects of the same scale by two rich man, surely it is unrealistic to say that the company will be able to accept both offers at the same time. Scarcity leads to choice, how shall this company choose between the two offers to maximise their welfare? It is clear that one of the customers has a more petty characteristics than the other, and more likely to give difficult tasks.

Any decent company with good in-sights would choose the petty customer. This is because they are diligent by nature and are willing to do extra work to please the customer, that enables them to overlook little things to get the bigger incentives in life. As long as they fulfil all the request the customer gives, they are in a great position to negotiate for more than they would originally receive, and might even receive a subsequent big project.

Realise this, most people would avoid the petty customer and choose the easy one instead, but the petty customer is really the easier choice. With his petty nature, he would have guided the contruction throughout accordingly to what he had planned in his mind, making sure everything would go smoothly. Whereas the other customer would be seen as easy in the first place, leaving everything solely to the company's decision, and landing himself unsatisfied with the result given in the end, causing much more problems than expected.

Can you notice where are the four qualities required in this case?

Any successful business man have plenty of these traits, start building character to success, be diligent, and never gives up.
Stay tuned tomorrow on an article on BUSINESS LETTERS,
Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the small construction company , i think if i am the boss i will choose one of the work and try to recommend another company to take up the job at the same time you can get commission from the other company so you earn in a smart way