Monday, August 16, 2010

Juxtapose and Business

Good evening,
I always believed that it's better to have a cause and a motive in everything we do. The other day I talked to two friends who drinks excessive coke. Here's how our conversation went:

Me: Why do you drink so much coke?
Friend1: I don't know.
Me: Do you like it?
Friend1: Not really, it's more like a habit.
Me: What do you gain for drinking it ?
Friend1: Nothing.

Me: Why do you drink so much coke?
Friend2: Because i like it.
Me: What do you gain for drinking it?
Friend2: What beats the feeling of drinking your favourite soda drink?

Both are drinking excessive coke, but notice the degree of this contrasity and similarity. Dr. Chi-Tang Ho, professor of food science at Rutgers University has uncovered evidence that our addiction to canned drinks is directly linked to diabetes because of the high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

Friend1 who doesn't have a cause or motive faces the same risk as Friend2 who DOES have a cause AND a motive. His love for coke caused him to drink it, and to achieve the pleasure from this drink is his motive.

Here i believe i can say Friend1 has a very high opportunity cost to pay, when Friend2's opportunity cost is 0, as he would gladly choose Coke at any given choice.
No matter what we do, we must always decide what is our cause and motive in order to gain something .

Let me quote another example:

Two students were sent to an old folks' home for a day to experience taking care of old folks.
One of the students was grumpy and unwilling to go to such a place. That very day he went home and told his parents he had wasted a day of his life. The other student went to the old folks' home hoping to cheer the folks up and take good care of them, doing the best he can. When he went home he told his Mother :'' Mom, i've had a great day today. The folks taught me many meaningful lessons of life. ''

Everyday, different people does the same thing and what they gain was actually what they had initially aimed for. How much enthusiasm and enjoyment you invest in your work is how you will view your result later on. Starting negatively will lead to a negative production, nothing is a guarantee, but standing up from failures will eventually give you success.

As for me, my cause of creating this blog is to share knowledge and business perspectives, and motive, of course, is to learn, afterall life is a long-learning journey.

So, the blog name Juxta-post(Juxtapose: Juxtaposition (literary), synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another ) comes into my mind.

What about the '-Business' ? Needless to say, it is either a money-losing Black Hole, OR, it could be a hardcore money-making machine. Which will it be for you? Your call.
Im Venjamin, Good night.

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