Monday, August 23, 2010


Good evening,

It's peculiar to everyone that a businessman's will can be so determined and unwavering. Humans in themselves are self-confusing, ironic creatures to begin with. So how do these people achieve such high level of discipline?

It's simply because they are devoted, no matter what is the reason that forces them to do so. Very often, people are being forced into the society's views, being compared to its norm. Be it your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, even strangers, they are judging you at every instant, your looks, behaviour, dress-code, family, and everything that belongs to you. This is something everyone is afraid of, yet, not everyone is doing something about it.

Businessmen are people with strong characteristics and will not take any humility lying down, this does not mean they are aggressive people physically, looking for quarrels. They have more action than words, they would work hard and achieve so that they wouldn't be looked down on. The more negatively things go for them, the more they strive. Successful people learns to view failure as an inevitable process while the weak dwells on failures, unable to move forward.

People should not blame or push faults to others when things go wrong, or blame fate. These successful people thank their society for teaching them what reality tastes like, and are glad that they had gone through tough times.

We should always be disciplined and not pamper ourselves too much, granting all the wishes we have. If someone has led his life smooth throughout without having to worry, when something drastic happens it's certain that he'll never stand again. However, if you have stood out to the top above all failures, you will never have trouble handling them, even if it means to climb from the bottom all over again.


Thursday, August 19, 2010


Good evening,

Every successful businessman is unique in their own way, perhaps only one common trait can be found in all of them - money minded(money minded is not about greedy, it is about having the right kind of mindset to make and attract money)

Only people with a wealthy mindset are capable of handling large amounts of money, knowing when it's time to spend and when to save. In fact, these people are the least conscious of exactly how much money they possess. Their main concern is, as long as they keep up the work, their profits are constant. If you ask wealthy business men exactly how much do they have, they probably wouldn't be able answer you, only an estimate at best. That is because their savings are constantly increasing, and there is no reason for them to keep tracking the money they already have, instead they would be tracking how much money they could earn from the latest business opportunities.

People want to be free from the control of money, and when you are finally rich, would having too much money be your new stress?

Being wealthy minded does not neccessary mean one is earning a high amount of income. It is about how one treats his own money. Someone who earns 5,000 a month can spend more than what he earns in credit, landing himself in debts, a person like this will never get wealthy. Whereas a person who earns 2500 can manage to save up to 1500 each month, a person like this is more likely to be successful in life. Agree that being thrifty is the beginning, because this money saved is the capital, the seeds that are needed to flourish.

Many of the world renown businessman started with these 1500/month capital earned by working multiple part-time jobs, some of these men did not even have proper education due to poverty. Thus, these men know how important money is and would never squander recklessly. Those who obtain a large amount of money with luck such as lottery, on the other hand, would never know how to control it. They would spend lavishly and always think about what to buy, before they realise that their money are all used up. Someone with a wealthy mind would spend the money with wit.

Money is something you can never get enough of, so unless your business is bringing you 'infinite' income, never be too conscious of how much you actually have, and concentrate on how to twig more into your pocket.

Being a successful businessman is never luck to begin with, it is all about brains and wit. A true millionaire lies in one's mind. It is not about age, gender, only pure character. If you do not believe this, can you believe a 300million sales revenue man at 72 was declared bankrupt and picked himself up to start all over again and became a millionaire again at the age of 82? This is an exact example of a wealthy minded man, no matter what the odds are, how many times they get bankrupt, they can simply bounce back, and that is because they never gives up.

This is the article on the courageous man :


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Good evening once again.
Im Venjamin, on BUSINESS LETTERS tonight.

If you are in the business industry, it is known that being able to write a business letter with good writing skills can be considered as an obligation, but there are still ways to get around it like hiring a
ghostwriter. However, take cognizance that ghostwriters may charge up to a hundred dollars per word depending on the contents, so it's best to leave this issue to consider when your business is providing you enough profit to support such expenses..

Otherwise, we will have a look at business letters. I believe any educated person can develop excellent writing skills with some practice and research. In fact, as stated above, it is an obligation to be able to write well, but are writing skills really the quintessence of business letters?

Many guides online have shown very clearly what are the things you need to ask yourselves before you write a letter that includes: knowing your product, market, who are your targeted customers and good writing skills. These are essential, but i want to share the most crucial value that is, knowing how to write with savoir-faire( The ability to say and do the right thing at the right time to the right person : diplomacy, tact, tactfulness )

One good reason why this the most important in my opinion, is that, you could be able to write words with fervor and know your products inside-out, yet how well are you directing your letters to make sure that they are not knocking on the wrong door?

Let's assume that a regular customer is not replying to your emails.
Compare these two letters :

Letter1 : Attachment, Catalog of Product XX, Catalog of new product X.
Subject: Follow up of new orders from company XX

Dear Mr XXX,
How are you doing? I trust your kind company is doing well, i believe the goods you have ordered previously needs replenishment, if you could kindly advise your orders early we would be able to advance our procedures so that your stocks could be shipped on time for your convenience. On a side note, I have attached a catalog of your previous orders and a catalog of our company's latest product for your kind review.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Salesman XX

Letter2: Attachment: None
Subject : Greetings of company XX

Dear Mr XXX,
How have you been sir, it is to my concern that we have not heard of you for a long time. I hope the state of your health is as good as usual, if you have any problems or issues please, do not hesitate to notify us we will do the best we can to aid you .

Yours sincerely,
Salesman XX

In this case, the customer ignored letter1, and send his stock orders in response to letter2 salesman. How would you contrive your business letters? People are realistic and self-centered, to catch the heart of your customer is your first stepping stone. In which order would you prioritise between: customers's welfare OR this month's targeted sales. Remember letter1 and letter2 and you will be able to notice letter2 is centered around the customer's welfare. If you noticed, its natural for customers to detect the letter's 'intended' motive.

Considering that prices of any product now is so competitive unless your company is an apple, customers could easily switch suppliers, that is really what makes exceptional service and relationship important.

Now, would customers with price/quality issues about your goods bother to complain to you? Maybe once or twice, but if handled poorly, they could simply switch to a different source. While it is true that sending straightforward letters might save time, it would be conceived by the customer that, nothing other than sales order would be entertained. Would you like to be issued a receipt even before you have decided to buy something? Sadly, many sales letters that i have seen are repetitive, agressive letters centering only about their sales, obvious to the customer that their only concern are sales.

While having a good understanding of your product is important for using several kinds of professional tactics to advertise/promote your product to a customer, sometimes it just bogs down to the basics : human relationship. Albeit you know who are your targeted customers, each and every person are unique, understand their characters and deal with them with a creative, flexible way to achieve your motive. A good businessman have 101 creative ways to deal with every different customer. This way, even difficult customers will be happy customers under your service.

Remember, customers ARE your sales, not your products. Know your customers well before your products, im sure it will be a different experience.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Good evening,

Today, im going to share some of my ideas about marketing, providing life-examples along the way to substantiate my stand. What is the true definition of marketing? To me, everything is about marketing. If you are a businessmind, you would most likely want to have a profit in every single thing you do, profit in monetary wise, pleasure, happiness, or anything you can think of as a gain.

Let's brainstorm, what are the qualities needed in order to be successful in marketing?

First, let us understand, to survive in this market we need to know the economy.
The essence of economics lies in the fact that resources are scarce, or at least limited, the main shortage of resources that can be found in all of us are : Time, Money.

Let us take this scarcity and the four qualities into consideration in this example.

Consider a housewife, making a meal for the family is not easy. It takes hard work and requires diligence, to be able to cook the meals that keeps the family well fed.

Now, nobody likes to eat the same food everyday. Creativity comes in place, the housewife would head out to the market with the dish in mind. There she realize some ingredients are not available, and have no time to buy them in another market.

Without perseverence, she would have given up. Being creative and flexible, she would have thought of many other dishes, and finding substitute ingredients to cook with.

How would you imagine that if any one of these quality is missing? Quite a disaster, indeed.

Analyse this case: If a small construction company was offered big projects of the same scale by two rich man, surely it is unrealistic to say that the company will be able to accept both offers at the same time. Scarcity leads to choice, how shall this company choose between the two offers to maximise their welfare? It is clear that one of the customers has a more petty characteristics than the other, and more likely to give difficult tasks.

Any decent company with good in-sights would choose the petty customer. This is because they are diligent by nature and are willing to do extra work to please the customer, that enables them to overlook little things to get the bigger incentives in life. As long as they fulfil all the request the customer gives, they are in a great position to negotiate for more than they would originally receive, and might even receive a subsequent big project.

Realise this, most people would avoid the petty customer and choose the easy one instead, but the petty customer is really the easier choice. With his petty nature, he would have guided the contruction throughout accordingly to what he had planned in his mind, making sure everything would go smoothly. Whereas the other customer would be seen as easy in the first place, leaving everything solely to the company's decision, and landing himself unsatisfied with the result given in the end, causing much more problems than expected.

Can you notice where are the four qualities required in this case?

Any successful business man have plenty of these traits, start building character to success, be diligent, and never gives up.
Stay tuned tomorrow on an article on BUSINESS LETTERS,
Good night.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Juxtapose and Business

Good evening,
I always believed that it's better to have a cause and a motive in everything we do. The other day I talked to two friends who drinks excessive coke. Here's how our conversation went:

Me: Why do you drink so much coke?
Friend1: I don't know.
Me: Do you like it?
Friend1: Not really, it's more like a habit.
Me: What do you gain for drinking it ?
Friend1: Nothing.

Me: Why do you drink so much coke?
Friend2: Because i like it.
Me: What do you gain for drinking it?
Friend2: What beats the feeling of drinking your favourite soda drink?

Both are drinking excessive coke, but notice the degree of this contrasity and similarity. Dr. Chi-Tang Ho, professor of food science at Rutgers University has uncovered evidence that our addiction to canned drinks is directly linked to diabetes because of the high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

Friend1 who doesn't have a cause or motive faces the same risk as Friend2 who DOES have a cause AND a motive. His love for coke caused him to drink it, and to achieve the pleasure from this drink is his motive.

Here i believe i can say Friend1 has a very high opportunity cost to pay, when Friend2's opportunity cost is 0, as he would gladly choose Coke at any given choice.
No matter what we do, we must always decide what is our cause and motive in order to gain something .

Let me quote another example:

Two students were sent to an old folks' home for a day to experience taking care of old folks.
One of the students was grumpy and unwilling to go to such a place. That very day he went home and told his parents he had wasted a day of his life. The other student went to the old folks' home hoping to cheer the folks up and take good care of them, doing the best he can. When he went home he told his Mother :'' Mom, i've had a great day today. The folks taught me many meaningful lessons of life. ''

Everyday, different people does the same thing and what they gain was actually what they had initially aimed for. How much enthusiasm and enjoyment you invest in your work is how you will view your result later on. Starting negatively will lead to a negative production, nothing is a guarantee, but standing up from failures will eventually give you success.

As for me, my cause of creating this blog is to share knowledge and business perspectives, and motive, of course, is to learn, afterall life is a long-learning journey.

So, the blog name Juxta-post(Juxtapose: Juxtaposition (literary), synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another ) comes into my mind.

What about the '-Business' ? Needless to say, it is either a money-losing Black Hole, OR, it could be a hardcore money-making machine. Which will it be for you? Your call.
Im Venjamin, Good night.